Henniker Town Clerk/ Tax Collector
Enter one of your vehicles and all your vehicles will come up for you to renew online with EB2Gov. Remove any that you no longer have. Payment is accepted via e-check. Your Checking Account information will be requested to complete the transaction. You will receive your registration(s) in the US mail. This service is low cost to the town with a convenience fee charged for those who choose to use it.
Obtain a free registration estimate for a renewal or new vehicle you have or will be purchasing in the future. Simple screens will walk you through the process to receive the most accurate estimate possible.
Enter one dog tag and all your dogs will come up for your review, renewal and payment. Outdated rabies certificates are identified and options to update documents from your Veterinarian. You can remove a dog if you no longer have him/her on the following pages so we can update our records accordingly. Services brought to you by EB2Gov at no charges to your municipality.
Vital Records and Certificates. You may request a certified copy of a birth, death, divorce and marriage licenses can be requested online. Performed by your town office and sent to you with a variety of shipping options. Please note: You must have a direct and tangible interest in such record.
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