Please Note: This is for NH EVENTS ONLY. IF YOUR EVENT TOOK PLACE IN ANOTHER STATE, YOU MUST CONTACT THAT STATE DEPT OF VITAL RECORDS STATISTICS. IF YOU WISH SAME DAY PICK UP, DO NOT ORDER ONLINE. JUST COME INTO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. Cut off to be able to mail or pick-up the next day is 7:30pm. A valid picture ID is required in order to process your request. A legible photocopy of the applicant's government issue photo ID needs to be included with this request. In the absence of acceptable picture identification the applicant shall complete the form Documentation Evidence for Individuals Not Possessing An Acceptable Picture Identification NOTE: Overnight shipping requests are available Monday through Friday, however we cannot guarantee Saturday delivery if we ship on Friday. Some areas of the US are deliverable in TWO days rather than ONE.
PLEASE NOTE: The $15 fee and associated fees are a NON-REFUNDABLE search fee. If a record is not found you will receive in the mail a "Record not found" document.