Seabrook Motor Vehicle Cheryl Bowen 603-474-3152 x136
E-Reg allows you to request any vehicle renewal online! You will receive your registration(s) in the US mail. IF YOU TYPE YOUR BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION INCORRECTLY DURING PAYMENT YOU WILL BE CHARGED AN ADDITIONAL $25 AS A BOUNCED CHECK FEE. Please keep in mind postage delivery times tend to vary, and you may not receive your registration in a timely manner.
Request replacement decal stickers in the event that your original decals are lost, stolen, or destroyed. IF YOU TYPE YOUR BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION INCORRECTLY DURING PAYMENT YOU WILL BE CHARGED AN ADDITIONAL $25 AS A BOUNCED CHECK FEE. Please keep in mind postage delivery times tend to vary, and you may not receive your registration in a timely manner.
Request a duplicate registration in the event that your original registration is lost, stolen, or destroyed. IF YOU TYPE YOUR BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION INCORRECTLY DURING PAYMENT YOU WILL BE CHARGED AN ADDITIONAL $25 AS A BOUNCED CHECK FEE. Please keep in mind postage delivery times tend to vary, and you may not receive your registration in a timely manner.
Obtain a free registration estimate for a renewal or new vehicle you have or will be purchasing in the future. Simple screens will walk you through the process to receive the most accurate estimate possible.
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