All property owners/residents must have facility permit stickers by Jan 31st every two (2) years. The Town Clerk will require proof of residency/property ownership to obtain the Facilities Permit Stickers. The Current "Yellow" FACP expires December 2024.
Renters Must provide a notarized letter from the landlord OR a signed lease agreement, along with current utility bill showing persons name and the physical address in Tamworth when establishing residency to obtain a sticker.
Facilities Permit Stickers may be obtained at the Tamworth Town Clerks office, by mail and now online through EB2Gov. Replacement stickers will be given at no cost to persons able to bring proof of previous sticker to Clerk's Office. Without proof, a replacement is $20.00 and reason must be given for why original is no longer valid.
Additional stickers may be obtained by property owners at the cost of $20.00 for each two year sticker. The Current 2 year "YELLOW" sticker expires December 2024.
Please see the new Facility Permit Policy and the 2025 Facility Permit Application by clicking here:
2025 Facility Permit | Tamworth NH