Dog Licensing
Dog Licensing
Enter one dog tag and all your dogs will come up for your review, renewal, and payment. Outdated Rabies Certificates are identified and there are options to upload updated Rabies Certificates online. You can also notify us to remove a dog if you no longer have him/her either online or in the Clerk's office.
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Property Tax Payments
Property Tax Payments
Services to look up your Property, Yield, Excavation or Land Use Change Taxes are provided as a free service to our citizens by EB2Gov. You can pay or view your Tax Bills/Invoices here. You will need to click on the blue magnifying glass to print the document.
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E-Reg - Motor Vehicle Registration
E-Reg - Motor Vehicle Registration
Enter one of your vehicles to renew & all vehicles will come up for that renewal month. You can remove any that you no longer have. Registrations and Decals will be issued by your Municipal Agent and sent to you by Postal Mail. Residency will be verified.
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Vital Record Request
Vital Record Request
Certified certificates for birth, death, divorce, and marriages can be requested online. These copies can only be processed for the above events that occurred in NH. The document requests will be processed by the Town Clerk's office and sent through a variety of postal shipping options.
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Motor Vehicle Registration Estimates
Motor Vehicle Registration Estimates
Obtain a free registration estimate for a renewal or new vehicle you have or will be purchasing in the future. Simple screens will walk you through the process to receive the most accurate estimate possible.
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Facility Permit Stickers
Facility Permit Stickers
This online service cannot be used to obtain 2 free permits without purchasing at least one REPLACEMENT OR ADDITIONAL PERMIT Please pick up permits from Town Clerk's Office or use our mail in notice found on our Town Website. Additional, Lost or Misplaced Stickers are $20.00 each. Replacement at no charge if old permit is brought to the clerk's office to exchange. The Current permits are "Yellow" in color and Expire Dec. 2024
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